
Cecilia Bozza Wolf



Cecilia Bozza Wolf was born in 1989 in Trento (Italy). In 2012 she graduated in Art, Music and Drama, at the University of Padua and wrote her degree thesis on Federico Fellini, entitled “Il Dolce Mezzo”. It was published by the foundation Federico Fellini located in Rimini. She is currently doing a Master degree in Drama, Film and New Media at the University of Padua where, from 2011 to 2013, she worked as a camera operator for some local companies and the private networks. In the same period she produced two short institutional videos in collaboration with the Municipality of Padua and worked as a cinematographer on a documentary about John Strasberg and his training method for actors. Since 2013 she has been working on “Hard Rock Mountain”, a project for a documentary about young mountain rock bands in northern Italy. In January 2014 she was commenced by ZeLIG, a documentary, television and new media school in Bolzano, where she graduated in 2016 with the diploma film “Vergot”. Over this period of time she did an internship in the directing department of the film “Mountain” by Amir Naderi. In 2017 teaches documentary during the course "Città Futura" organized by the association EUGANEA MOVIE MOVEMENT and SIAE. With her diploma film ”Vergot”(2016) she received critical acclaim, winning among others, the award for Best Documentary DOCUNDER30 in Bologna, Best Film in the Horizons section of the Trento Film Festival and Best Feature Film at the Glasgow Film Festival in the World of Film section. In 2017 she opened an individual company called VERGOTfilms, with which he made promotional videos, institutional videos, documentaries and music videos. Since four years she is the official videomaker of Arte Sella. In spring 2021 she started the principal photography of her first feature film RISPET, produced by Stefilm International and co-produced by the German, financed by IDM, Trentino Film Commission, Piemonte Film Commission, Rai Cinema and MIBACT. With Stefilm she is selected for the “Academy IDS 2020” with the serial documentary project “Dark Mountain”, focused on the “alpine discomforts” and inspired by the book “Tristi Montagne” by the sociologist Christian Arnoldi.

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