OPEN CALLS: Green Film Lab - Budapest, TFL Co-Production Fund & TFL Next - Feature Film
FeatureLab is dedicated to creative teams of director and producer (together with a scriptwriter, if on board) from all over the world, developing a 1st or 2nd feature film project.
TARGET PARTICIPANTS: creative teams of director and producer (together with a scriptwriter, if on board), from all over the world developing their 1st or 2nd feature film projects.
FeatureLab focuses on film projects – fiction, creative documentaries, experimental, animation and any possible kind of cinema form – at an advanced stage of development.
DURATION: 1 week-long residential workshop in June, an online module in September, plus final session and participation in the TFL Meeting Event in November 2023.
FEE: 3,000 Euro (per team of 2 people).
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Monday 16th January 2023, 2:00 p.m. CET.
FeatureLab is dedicated to creative teams of director and producer (together with a scriptwriter, if on board) from all over the world, developing a 1st or 2nd feature film project.
Conditions of eligibility:
- the project must be the director’s 1st or 2nd feature film;
- at least a first draft of the script in English* (or an analogue document, according to the type of project) must be presented when applying*; * extended treatment is not accepted
- shooting must not begin earlier than 1st December 2023.
Only one project application per year, per filmmaker, can be submitted. However, a project that is refused one year, can be resubmitted another year if the project has gone through substantial changes. The same project cannot be submitted a third time if rejected the second time around.
Considering that only 1st and 2nd feature films are eligible to take part in the programme, filmmakers who have participated in a previous edition of FeatureLab/Framework cannot apply to FeatureLab 2023, but they are eligible and welcome to take part in other TFL programmes.
Applicants must confirm their full availability for all the residential and online modules, as well as for the final TFL Meeting Event.
The working language of all workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate, and all written materials, all versions and drafts of the project, must be translated into English.
Participation fee: 3,000 (+ VAT, if due) Euro per team of 2 people. Extra fee of 2,000 Euro (+ VAT, if due) if a scriptwriter or a co-writer also attends the programme).
This amount covers workshop training, online sessions, hotel and part of the subsistence during the workshops. Participants must pay their travel costs. In many countries, scholarships are available for this training.
The requested materials – to be submitted all together in 1 single PDF (10 MB max.), and all in English – are:
1) Synopsis – 1page max.
2) Intention note about the project – 3 pages max.
3) Artistic concept & audio-visual reference
4) Web links to previous film(s) of the director (FULL FILM)
5) Biographies of director, producer & writer (if on board)
6) Production company profile – 3 pages max.
7) Detailed budget (Euro)
8) Financing plan (Euro) - including structure of co-production (names & countries of companies, and percentages of financing from each country) according to the form
9) Detailed development and production timetable
10) Marketing & distribution strategy – 3 pages max.
11) Script in English* (or analogue document, according to the type of project), to be attached as the last element, at the end of the dossier* (extended treatment is not accepted)
12) Applicants and project main data - for communication purposes, according to the form
Please click on the "Apply Now!" button in the right-side column of this page to access the application form and submit your project. Before starting the process, you must create an account on the TFL Visitor Page.
Any application package that won’t include all the requested materials will be considered ineligible.
Deadline for applications: Monday 16th January 2023, 2.00 p.m. CET.
Shortlisted applicants will be notified by the end of March and interviewed online at the beginning of April 2023.
The Selected projects of the TorinoFilmLab FeatureLab programme must indicate TorinoFilmLab support in the closing credits by displaying the TorinoFilmLab logo, together with the caption "Developed at TorinoFilmLab".
1st residential workshop: 5th -10th June 2023, Madrid (Spain) dates TBC
2nd online workshop: second half of September 2023, dates TBC
3rd residential workshop and TFL Meeting Event: end of November 2023 (Turin, Italy)
FeatureLab is organised by TorinoFilmLab - National Museum of Cinema and co-funded by Creative Europe – MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union. TFL is glad to announce the partnerships with Comunidad de Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Madrid and Madrid Film Office, who are planning to host the 1st residential workshop in 2023.
For more information please contact: Greta Fornari -

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